‘From' Email Address - Changes the 'from’ email address (who the email is from) for emails sent from RapidStor. (Warning: for this to work correctly the domain/email will need to be verified, please contact RapidStor for assistance setting this up support@rapidstorapp.com).
‘From’ Name - Changes the sender email name for emails sent from RapidStor.
‘Reply' Email Address - Changes the default email address that will be used when a tenant tries to reply to an email.
Additional CC Email Addresses - Allows additional email addresses to be CC’d on emails sent from RapidStor.
Additional BCC Email Addresses - Allows additional email addresses to be BCC’d on emails sent from RapidStor.
Reservation Email - Changes the email subject of the reservation email.
Move-In Email - Changes the email subject of the move-in confirmation email.