Common Unit Settings

Common Unit Settings

Small / Medium Size Threshold (m²) -  Determines what units are shown when selecting 'Small Units', units smaller than the entered number will be shown.

Medium / Large Size Threshold (m²) - Units larger than the number entered will be shown when selecting the 'Large Units option'. All units between the Small and Large threshold will be shown when selecting Medium Units.

Min. Available Units -  Sets the number of vacant units that must be available in SiteLink in order for the unit to be booked online. E.g if set as 2 there needs to be 2 available units of that size, if there is less than this 'Call for Availability' will be shown instead.

Unit Sort Order (in order of precedence: primary, secondary and tertiary) - Adjusting the three drop downs will sort what preference is shown in the unit listings. E.g Size first, then Price then Availability. 

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