RapidStor Journey Listing Setup

RapidStor Journey Listing Setup

In preparation for the new RapidStor unit listing journey, a few changes may need to be made to your existing RapidStor settings in order to take full advantage of the new changes that are coming.


RapidStor V2 continues to use the Theme Colour setting as the primary colour for the unit listing’s colour scheme. If you need to change the colour, you can do so here:



The new unit listing has potential to easily allow users to be upsold on similar units.

There’s also the ability to allow some fluid but more concise text and selling points compared to the original. The below is what a user will first see on the unit listing, so it should contain only important information that you think could be attractive to potential customers.


  1. Available display options for this are: Dimensions, Area or the Descriptor Title. In this example, this would show either 3x7, 21m² or 3 x 7 Self Storage
    To decide which one to show, change the following settings:
    Go to Settings > General

  2. The Descriptor’s size classification. This is decided by your Space Calculator value breakpoints set in the admin area. This can be changed in:
    Settings > Common Unit Settings > Small / Medium / Large Thresholds


  3. The Descriptor Name. This is changed in:
    Descriptors for Standard Unit Listing > Edit desired descriptor

    Note: if the “Use Descriptor Title for Unit Listings” is enabled, this will show the descriptor name twice in the unit type card on the unit listing.

  4. The Descriptor Description. This is meant to be one or two brief sentences about the unit type. This can be changed in:
    Descriptors for Standard Unit Listing > Edit desired descriptor

  1. The Descriptor’s tags. This is a new feature that will need to be set up to take advantage of. In the descriptor, you can choose from some preset icons and add in any text you want to create your combination of tags. Note that each descriptor is limited to 4 displayed tags. These can be changed in:
    Descriptors for Standard Unit Listing > Edit desired descriptor


Deals can have descriptions and tags, just like descriptors. Below is an example of what will show when a Descriptor has a deal associated with it. The base price of the unit type will always show, along with at most one deal.
Left Card: Base price of Descriptor (no deal), with the base descriptor’s descriptions and tags

Right Card: Same Descriptor, but offers a deal. If there is a deal, then the base descriptor’s descriptions and tags are overwritten with the deal’s descriptions and tags.

  1. The descriptor name (or size/dimensions depending on the settings set in “Descriptors A)”

  2. The name of the Deal. This can be set in
    Deals > Select desired deal > Title

  3. The Custom Formatting for the deal headings. These are little bits of text that can be customised with dynamic or preset text. Usually these are used to describe some parts of the deal, such as the savings amount or duration.
    Deals > Select desired deal > Custom Formatting

  4. Descriptions. If there’s no deal, these will use the Descriptor’s descriptions. If there is a deal, it uses the Deal’s descriptions. Descriptions are limited to 4 visible descriptions. These can be changed in:
    Deals > Select Desired deal > Descriptions

  5. Tags. If there’s no deal, these will use the Descriptor’s tags. If there is a deal, it uses the Deal’s tags. Tags are limited to 4 visible tags. These can be changed in:
    Deals > Select Desired deal > Tags


You can apply a deal to only certain descriptors, as seen here. You could make the deal available to all descriptors, no descriptors or just a select few:

Descriptors and Upsells

Depending on the unit selected by the user, they may have the option to upgrade their choice. The UI and options that get decided depends on the description the user has picked and the units within that descriptor.

In the below example, both sides are in the same descriptor. However, the upsell opportunity on the right side is the next highest priced variation in the descriptor. In this case, the unit is on the First Floor instead of Ground Floor, which is a tad more expensive in this hypothetical.

Alternatively, if there are no available variations in the selected descriptor, the user will receive an upsell opportunity for a unit that is the next size up.

To see which units are matched in the descriptor, you can see this in the Price List Reference in the descriptor’s edit page. Anything that says “Matched” is included in the descriptor and each row represents a variation. To enable upsell opportunity within a descriptor, you’ll want to have a few rows being matched. If you only have 1 row matched in the descriptor, the upsell opportunity will be from the next largest size descriptor.


To match a unit type to a descriptor, you can set criteria. If this criteria is met by a unit type variation, it will be included in the descriptor. See below for the different bits of criteria that can be set. You can access these by going to:
Descriptors for Standard Unit Listing > Select desired descriptor > Include/Exclude

The above shows that, for the 3 x 7 Self Storage descriptor, the criteria will match any unit type variations that are:

  • 3 x 7

  • Unit Type of “Self Storage”

  • Are on any floor

  • No restriction on price ranges


If you wanted to include some slightly large units (that you have), you could add more than one size. For example, adding in a 3.2 x 7.2 size would add in a potential upsell opportunity for when someone selects the 3 x 7 descriptor.
You can also pick to only include units on certain floors. If you select floors 0 and 1, then the descriptor will only show units that match all the criteria and are on floors 0 or 1.

The same can be said with prices. If you want to pick unit type variations that have certain prices, you could pick exact prices (From: 250, To: 250), will only select units which have the price of 250. You could also make this a range (From: 200, To: 300), will only select units which have prices between 200 and 300. You can mix and match these too to create even more variety.