Tenant Account Portal

Tenant Account Portal

What are the features?

The RapidStor Tenant Account Portal allows your customers to easily sign up for and create an online account.
Once they have signed up, they will be able to:

  • Update their contact details
  • View their payment/receipt history
  • View invoices
  • Make one-off payments
  • Set up automatic payments

Adding the code snippet to your website

You can find the code snippet to add to your website for RapidStor’s Tenant Accounts by logging into the backend of RapidStor and navigating to the ‘Tenant Accounts’ area:

From here, you can copy the code snippet and insert it into your website. If you are unsure on how to do this, you can contact us for further assistance with this 😊

How a Tenant sign’s up for a Tenant Account in RapidStor

In order for someone to sign up for a Tenant Account in RapidStor, they must already be a tenant registered with an email address.

From the link that is on your website to access Tenant Accounts, there will be a ‘Sign up’ button that a Tenant can click on. They should then see a screen that looks similar to this:

From here, the Tenant will need to put the email address they use for SiteLink in the text box and then click the ‘Sign up’ button.

After that, they should soon receive an email with details on how to complete the sign-up process. The email should look similar to the screenshot below:

All the Tenant needs to do is click the long blue link to complete the process.
Please note that the link is only active for 4 hours, so if the Tenant doesn’t click the link within 4 hours the link will no longer be valid, and they will need to restart the sign up process.

Once they click the link, they should be taken to a page that looks similar to this:

From here, the Tenant will need to re-enter their email address and then choose a password for their new Tenant Account.

Once they have done that and clicked the ‘Set Password’ button, they will be taken back to the original Tenant Accounts login screen.

From there, all they need to do is input their email address and password and click ‘Login’. Once the Tenant has input their login details, they will be greeted with a screen that looks like this:

The Tenant Account has now been successfully completed!

Updating Tenant Account details using RapidStor

The RapidStor Tenant Accounts allows Tenants to update their details online.

Once the Tenant has logged into RapidStor Tenant Accounts, they will be greeted with a screen that looks similar to the screenshot below:

For the Tenant to change their account details, they need to click on the ‘Change Profile’ button.

Once they click that button, they will be taken to the following screen:

This is where the Tenant can update their personal details. Any changes made here will also be made to their account SiteLink. When a Tenant makes a change to their personal details online, a note will be added to their account.

Making payments online using RapidStor Tenant Accounts

Tenants can also make payments online and even set up automatic payments using RapidStor Tenant Accounts.

For a Tenant to make online payments or set up automatic payments online, they will need to log into RapidStor Tenant Accounts. Once they log in, they will be greeted with a screen that looks similar to the screenshot below:

From here, you can see four (4) different tabs at the top of the screen; ‘Payment History’, ‘Make a Payment’, ‘Auto Payment’, and ‘Contact Us’. The tabs we will be focusing on today are the two (2) middle tabs.

Making one-off payments

If a Tenant wants to make a one-off payment online, they will need to select the ‘Make a Payment’ tab. Once they click on this tab, they will be taken to a screen that looks similar to the screenshot below:

From here, the Tenant will need to input their payment details and the payment option they would like to use. Below is a description of what each payment options does:

  • Pay current due – pays the current owing balance on the account
  • Pay current plus next month – pays the current owing balance, plus a month in advance of storage fees
  • Pay current plus a number of months – pays the current owing balance, plus a custom number of months in advance of storage fees
  • Add money to account – makes a payment towards the account for a custom amount of money

Once the Tenant has filled in their details and chosen the payment option they would like to go with, the Tenant will then need to click the ‘Process Payment’ button in order to process the payment.

Setting up Automatic Payments

If a Tenant wants to set up automatic payment online, they will need to select the ‘Auto Payment’ tab. Once they click on this tab, they will be taken to a screen that looks similar to the screenshot below:

From here, the Tenant will need to click on the ‘Change Settings’ button at the bottom in order to edit these settings.

Once they have done that, they will then need to input the payment details they want to use to set up automatic payments. The Tenant will also need to select which unit they want to set up automatic payments for.

Once the Tenant has done that, the Tenant needs to click the ‘Save Settings’ button to confirm the Automatic Payment method.

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