Reservations and Move-ins

Reservations and Move-ins

Reservations and Move-ins

Allow Reservations - Toggling this button will allow reservations

Allow Move-ins -  Toggling this button will allow Move-ins 
(Please note you can toggle both or one or the other, but please have one toggled).

Count Reserved Units as Occupied - Toggling this button will ensure RapidStor does not generate multiple reservations on units.

Display Move-in Date Limit Message - Toggling this button will generate text below the Move-In Date to specify the limit for future Move-Ins.

Limit days in advance for reservation -  Entering in a number in this category will limit how many days ahead can a customer reserve.

Limit days in advance for move-in - Entering in a number in this category will limit how many days ahead can a customer move-in.

Days in advance to start charging reservation fees - Entering in a number in this category will charge the customer to reserve past a certain amount of days.

Days before expiring reservations - Entering in a number in this category will set an reservation expiry date on SiteLink according to the input value.

Allow Occupancy Based Values - Toggling this button will create an additional setting for ‘Days before expiring reservations’ which will allow an additional expiration date for reservations according to occupancy based values.

Ask if customer needs assistance with moving  - This sends an email to the Site stating that this customer wants help with moving in.

Send assistance requested email to additional address - When a tenant books online and selects the 'assistance' option this will also send information to this additional email address (Used for removalists)

Allow use of promotional coupon codes - Toggling this button will allow RapidStor coupons to be applied at the Move-in window.

Auto opt-in SMS for tenant - Toggling this button will enable ‘SMS Opt-In’ for the tenant.

Quick Reserve Button Text - Changes the text for the Quick Reserve Button

Show Prices Button Text - Changes the text for the Show Prices Button

Pay Now Button Text - Changes the text for the Pay Now Button

Pay Later Button Text - Changes the text for the Pay Later Button

Reservation confirmation popup text - Entering in text in this category will add additional text to the reservation confirmation window.

Attach Receipt to Move-In Confirmation Email - Toggling this button will attach the generated RapidStor receipt

Attach Lease to Move-In Confirmation Email - Toggling this button will attach the generated RapidStor Lease Agreement

Use existing tenant account (if available) - Toggling this button will ensure RapidStor will attempt to match tenants to existing tenant profiles in SiteLink

Set up scheduling for follow up emails - Toggling this button will generate the ‘Lead Follow Up' Email when a tenant performs a Move-In but does not complete the procedure. The subject and the timer before the email is sent out can be configured once the button is toggled.



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