General Settings

General Settings

Country - Clicking the drop down arrow on the right-hand side allows you to change country. If the country is not correct in the drop down, please change to the correct country.

Language - Set the language to always be in English, or translated based on the browser/website settings

Use Push Rates – If toggled RapidStor will use SiteLink’s push rates if available. (Recommended to only be on if Unit rate management is enabled on SiteLink).

Use Web Rates – Uses the Web rates currently set in SiteLink (Note: if using push rates and web rates - push rates will override.)

Book Online Discount (%) - Applies a discount percentage to all units (Note: the discount is applied before any additional deals)

Use e-sign - If toggled it will allow the customer to esign. (Please see Automating RapidStor with e-sign guide).

Automatically redirect after move-in - When eSign is enabled, turning this setting on will automatically redirect tenants to their documents to sign after making payment for their move-in.(Please see Automating RapidStor with e-sign guide).

ESign Return URL - After an eSign document has been signed, you can redirect the tenant to a specific page (such as a thank you page).

Force Tax Inclusive - Forces Rapidstor to use the inclusive tax pricing from SiteLink (if set as exclusive tax).

Show Area Instead Of Dimensions - Swaps all places in Rapidstor where dimensions are used (3m x 3m) and instead uses area (9m2).

Use Descriptor Title for Unit Listings - Uses the unit descriptor set for each unit instead of the unit type and size from SiteLink.

Currency Symbol - Change this to the currency your storage company uses.

Billing Default - Billing default will control weather the customer moves in on a first of the month billing cycle or Anniversary billing cycle.

Size Symbol- Controls what unit of measurement is seen where size is shown (e.g m = 6m, ft= 6ft)

Area Size Symbol- Controls what unit of measurement is seen where area is shown (e.g m2 = 16m2, ft= 32ft)

Ground Floor -  Allows the system to recognize what is considered the ground floor at your facility e.g (0/1)

Date Format- Allows the date formatting to be changed between; dd-mm-yyyy, mm-dd-yyyy or yyyy-mm-dd

URL to Complete Move-in from Reservation Email – Entering in the web page URL that Rapidstor online booking exists on your website.  When a tenant attempts to finalise their move-in from the link provided in the reservation email, this will open up Rapidstor inside the facilities webpage instead of on the Rapidstor website. If the URL set here is invalid/incorrect the tenants will not be able to convert to a move-in.

Allow Origin URL - This is required for tenant accounts to work correctly, enter in the base URL for the domain that has your website/Rapidstor. Example: https://rapidstorapp.com (make sure there is no trailing slash at the end)

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